Sunday 16 October 2011

FOMO syndrome

I was reading a magazine article the other day, ladies and gentleman, and came across an article which highlights a new syndrome: FOMO syndrome- yes, you've read it right! What is this FOMO syndrome you may ask? According to the article it is a Fear Of Missing Out syndrome and is related to Facebook. For those of you who use Facebook, you will be familiar with the regular updates your friends post on their walls: 'Another great weekend at the party of the century!' 'Living the dream!' 'Meeting all the girls for carnage this weekend!'

I for one am used to such comments as these on a regular basis... Yes, I am happy that my friends are happy living the dream and partying until dawn but, at the same time, I cannot help feeling a deep sense of inadequacy every time I scroll down the home pages of Facebook. Every Sunday morning, after I have spent a Saturday under the dark cave of the duvet, I scrawl the pages and read the updates and every update I read just exacerbates my feelings of inadequacy. I am left with thoughts such as: I should be living like this. What am I missing out on? Why can't I live a normal life like this and have fun with friends? Why do I lock myself away? The truth is, I do feel inadequate and I can't help wondering when it all went wrong. I just want to feel again, is it my fault that I don't or is it a result of the illness?


  1. Hi depression, as someone who has suffered with this condition since childhood, I'd just like to say that I found your blog a very interesting read.

    Check out Chantell at who also deals with life with depression and the other conditions that go with this often debilitating illness.

    I wish you all the best with your blog, you're off to a great start. :0)

  2. Dear Lily,

    Thank you for your support and it's nice to think someone else is reading the blog. I will check out the link you gave me.

    Thank you
